Like that girl that does the one about the willow tree, and that other guy who pretends he's ribbons blowing on the breeze. There are many interpretive dancers who are very famous in the interpretive dancing community. Call your mom, cause you've made it to the middle! Now you're the dancer standing in front of the other 8 dancers, behind the famous people. Remember when you were the dancer standing with 8 other dancers, behind that one dancer, who was standing behind all the famous people? Well, those days are long gone. Just remember to pop then lock, cause lockin' then poppin' is just as bad as frontin', which is almost as bad as stackin' on stage. Keep in time, hit the streets, the clubs, the art shows, anywhere you can show your stuff. It's taken you a while to perfect your popping, but you've been a natural locker since birth.

Dust off that unitard, warm up the hair crimper, darn up those leg warmers and hit the hardwoods: it's time for some creativity and some pizzazz. Why you left backup dancing to teach a workout class based on a 20 year old out-dated fad, you'll never know, but the world of dance moves in mysterious ways. Make sure you bring your 'A' game everyday because you never know when you'll be given that one opportunity to shine and impress someone. It's still technically a starving artist position, but everyone has to start somewhere. Here's your first opportunity to show your skills and hopefully hone your craft by working with veterans in the industry. Keep your own body in shape and maybe one day your dream of becoming an aerobics instructor will come true.

Adult Promotion Levels Dance Career LevelsĪnd 1 and 2 and step and bend and move and slide and kick and stretch and 3 and 4 keep 'em moving keep 'em guessing.

The only college major associated with this career is Drama. If Apartment Life is installed, Bohemians and Jocks are likely to work in this career. The career reward for this track is Better Barre by Deuxjoint Ltd.

The Dance Career Track is one of the five careers added in the FreeTime expansion pack for The Sims 2. Not to be confused with Dancing or Music and Dance.